Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Step by step... 1 year anniversary!

Over the past several years Kirsten and I have been taking steps forward as God asks us to. We had no idea many years ago when we said “yes” to the Lord and serving Him full-time that we would end up on the mission field, and Honduras of all places! Well, today marks our one-year anniversary in Honduras! It is appropriate that, this week especially, we can see God's plans for us here beginning to unfold...

Let us explain using a very appropriate story: 

This story is in the Bible, in Matthew 14:22-33, where Jesus tells his disciples to go across the lake (Sea of Galilee) while he dispersed the crowd that had just been fed (another miracle), and then he went up on the mountainside to pray. After he spent all night praying (it was beginning to get light), he started walking out, on the water, to his disciples' boat that was a considerable distance out in the lake. When he got close enough for them to see him, they were afraid as they thought he was a ghost. Jesus shouted out to them that it was him, to take courage, and to not be afraid. Still quite a distance off, Peter questioned Jesus to tell him to walk out to him if it was really him. Jesus simply replied, “Come.” Peter got out of the boat and began to walk towards Jesus—not on a reef, not on a sand bar, not on the back of a giant fish (that's a different story)—on TOP of the water! But being in a wind storm in the middle of this lake (called a “sea” because of its ocean-like characteristics), Peter looked down at the waves and wind and began to sink. He was terrified and yelled out to Jesus, “Lord, save me!” Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?”

This story can be applied to many situations and to many journeys of faith following God’s leading. It directly applies to our walk over the past several years, and especially over the past several months. We are coming into another season of change, and with this change comes uncertainty. But we feel certain the Lord is leading us to Trujillo, Honduras. What, exactly, our future ministry looks like, we are trusting God with to reveal to us as we continue forward.

We have been in Trujillo this past week celebrating the end of our language school studies, making contacts, and seeking out long-term housing. We step forward each day knowing the Lord is leading us. Some days we look at him at a short distance and walk towards him on the water. But most days he is holding our hands raising us up out of the stormy waves. But that is exactly where he wants us! Our duty to him is to follow out of faith, taking steps of faith forward.

We have gone through many trials while here in Honduras. We have been very honest with everyone we know that it is not a big adventure to discover something new, but a calling. Most of the time the calling is filled with struggles because we are battling a spiritual battle. The enemy is active and alive in the world, as well as Honduras. He throws everything he can at us to take us off course from what God has called us to. But we know God has us here to share the hope we have in an amazing Savior! 

Housing in Trujillo

Front porch of our Trujillo house.
We got news from the owners of the house we were going to be moving into short-term that they can only rent it to us for one month beginning in September! That wouldn't do, so we have been purposeful on this trip to look for other rentals. We had heard about one place during our May trip that “might” be for rent soon. As it turns out the house was for rent and it was being shown last weekend. We went to look at it on Sunday and decided it was meant for us, especially after talking to the owner over the phone. She lives in the States and is a Christian. She was praying about a Christian family to rent the house, and has in the past used the house and property as an extension of the church. There is a river that runs along the bottom of the property which was a plus for our boys. It's nestled in the hills above Trujillo and is really quiet with great neighbors. We decided to rent it and will be moving in mid-September!

As we move forward, PLEASE be in prayer interceding for us:

Prayer points:
  • Moving soon—preparing and all the details to fall into place with the house and our move.
  • Needing to make connections with other pastors, missionaries, and/or ministries in the Trujillo area.
  • Keeping our eyes on the goal! (persevering)
  • Wisdom about ministry decisions
  • Homeschooling the boys well: wisdom about how/when/where/what
  • A strong marriage and time to keep it that way (dates!)
Praise points:
  • Finding a house
  • Meeting new contacts in Trujillo
  • Much needed rest/refreshed
  • For our prayer and financial supporters!
Lastly, thank you to all of you who continue to lift us up in prayer, who praise the Lord for what He is doing, and for those who support us financially. God uses YOU to make it possible for us to minister HERE! So we thank you, thank you, thank you!!

In Christ and for His Glory,
Corey, Kirsten, Gavin & Garret


  1. Our prayers are with you. Thank you for the great updates.
    Roz and Robin

  2. Looking forward to seeing what God has for you, but we will sure miss you here in Siguat. You will be leaving hole in the "body" here.

  3. amazing how God works! so neat about finding a house and how God set it up just for you guys. Andy
