Thursday, December 2, 2010

God working through us?

When I stop and think about what God has called us to, to go to a strange country with a different language and culture, I sometimes wonder "why us?" That thought is quickly answered as I think back to how God has shaped both Kirsten and I and our boys. He has placed this deep desire in us for others to know the Lord and to encourage and build up others. I have a difficult time writing about it as I don't want to appear to be gloating, but I want God to be known for what he is doing. He is good!

The weekend before Thanksgiving we were truly blessed as Kirsten and I both felt a leading to visit a small church that we presented at in October. Calvary Community Church near Albany is a wonderful small church with that small town feel. Mostly farmers, these people are filled with love. I was impressed by the depth and faith of the Sunday School teacher and at how God had obviously called this church to something deeper -- a deeper faith and trust of our Lord. During the service, Pastor Gary taught us about humbleness. He wanted his flock to realize the blessings they have and to humbly come before the Lord in thankfulness. He then used us as an example of how we should be obedient and give in order to receive blessing. He pointed out that we had just moved out of our house and got rid of at least half of what we owned and that the rest would be sold or given away when we leave for Honduras. Everything. Gone. THAT was humbling for us, to hear a pastor I highly respect, use us as an example of obedience and humbleness.

After that service, I thought a long time about how this little church was being stretched to step outside their comfort zone and how God was using US to do this! God has placed us in their midst to give them an avenue to fulfill the call He has placed on THEIR lives and hearts! That is amazing to think about, that our presence there and our obedience to go fulltime to Honduras is allowing these people to act in obedience and do what God has called them to do.

We have only been in our "deputation" or "representation" stage for a few months, but I have learned some great lessons that I never thought would come from this. God wants us to be used to draw other Christians closer to Him. It's difficult for me to think that He would use us in this way, but it is honoring and we are humbled by it.

Please continue to pray for our journey to Honduras, pray for those we present to that we will be used to fulfill God's call on their lives and that we would remember to continually humble ourselves before the Lord.

In His mighty grip,


  1. Corey,

    You have an amazing Kingdom and eternal understanding. The Lord is going to use you mightily (and is) and I will be praying for you and your family. Anytime you might be faced with discouraging day's in the future to come, read and meditate on II Timothy 4:6-8. Let it bless your life and lift your countenance. Your humility and passion for the Lord have blessed me today and challenged me to greater growth in the Lord.
    Blessings, Aaron T.

  2. Thank you Aaron for the comment. It brings joy to me to hear things like this, that this literally HAS been a blessing to someone else. Praise God! Scriptures I hold onto daily are Psalm 115:1, 117 and Romans 11:36. Praise God for who he is...


  3. Blessings to you brother ! Aaron T.
